In an effort to simplification of life and mental desalienatión, and overcoming the obsolete religious and political differences, citizens "signing" of this declaration demand to the Spanish, European and global government to take oportune measures to realize the proposals for state and global action resolutive contained in this manifest and claimed in "The Book of Life and the alliance of the rainbow", which can be downloaded from the web personal WWW.LIBRODELAVIDA.ORG.
MANIFEST COMMUNITARIST, SPIRITUAL AND SOCIABLE In contrast to the "Agenda 21" which develops the "millennium goals" of the UN bureaucrat, partly corrupt and full of "half truths" from the role of third "antipope" Spanish, "prophet" and poet from "last times” of several religions and cultures -psychological role that someone should assume to share with the rest of humanity-, in analogy with the arcanums of the Tarot I provide this memorandum of 22 proposals that constitutes a Plan Integral of Action and Reflection –for the initials "Pira" of excessive vanity-, that seeks to correct and overcome the actual situation of global chaos or ecological and social “Apocalypse” that suffers a growing majority of humans, seriously threatened at the quality of life and even survival as a specie.
The proposals in this manifest will be the subject of serious reflection and broad and collective debate that posibilite it positive realization in practical facts, but is essential to understand that the main problems are the great corruption of minority leaders from politics, economics, religion and media and cultural values, and also the unwillingness of the alienated middle class world that confuses causes with effects by setting personal priorities, because there will never be peace without justice and dignity on a global level.
Proposal zero, "the insane": Give a mental imaginary kicked the entire personal and collective problems, to reduce into 8 faces life much easier to tackle and resolve gradually, and also reducing them to 8 faces all government ministries or departments of all states, regions and peoples of the world. These are the 8 facets of life and social functions that should be expand by the social actors of the "new era Rainbow" for "eco-human development”:
These are the main social actors.
1 - "ZEUS": People at the zenith of “eco-human development”.
2 - "ORBES": charitable and welfare organizations.
3 - "INTUS": humanist intellectuals and educators.
4 - "GEAS": environmental groups and institutions.
5 - "ECOS”: Enterprisers, scientists and ethical organisms.
6 - "SURES": unique regional trade Unions.
7 - "AVES": Neighborhood Associations.
8 - "NEAS": socio-cultural links.
And this is the relationship of physical or geographical areas of action, plus the Global in the next UN "alliance of 12 tribes of the rainbow”: state, regional, territorial, local, district, and neighborhood of each community.
Proposal 1, the magician: Pantheism, panenteísmo, pandeísmo,... What words mind if they are used flush with emotion as in many rites of the major religions? According to the psalm 82.6 of the Judeo-Christian Bible is humanity itself "God", which consciously or unconsciously to be rewarded or punished according to the objective goodness or badness of his own acts, which are influenced by the quality and warmth of our thoughts, emotions, words and actions. Also in the apocryphal Apocalypse of Elijah 2.10 it says that "the name of God is one", by the initial United Nations, the only "God" possible when purged of its politics corruptions and hypocresies.
Another definition of the true "God Love ad Nature" would be the harmony or balance between faith and law, heart and rate, light and darkness, body and spirit, matter and energy, cause and effect, female and male, "yin" and "yang", etc.., with a slight lead of the first terms of these dualities to "serve" the seconds.
P2, the Priestess: The universal values of freedom, equality and fraternity must be added the global spirituality and the natural syncretism of the soul, mind or spirit to do, give and get the most out of every human person, comunity and doctrine; At this way correcting the errors of exclusivist religions of "God" -Jewish, Christian, Islamic,...-, and will be convened an ecumenical and final Pantheist council, because as suggested by common sense and French Francmasonry, there is no "time" for new social divisions in politics or religion.
P3, Empress: Like "soviet", church means assembly or community, and recycling and unity of different religions become churches, temples, mosques and synagogues in social care centers and Environmental or "houses of peace" which should help meet the basic needs of the collective social deficits, and also will be useful for recycling material and spiritual lives of local communities. These "houses of peace" will be promoted by non-profit institutions, religious organizations or private citizens that will be the new "revolutionary vanguard", along with a healthy conscience of the desalienated humanity respect of politic, economy, religion and culture.
The mythical rivers of the "original paradise" end in “deltas” or estuaries, just as the initials of desalienación mental, political descentralization, urban decongestion and global disentailment respect of abandoned or underutilized properties.
P4, Emperor: In contrast to the ancestral material and spiritual corruption of bourgeois religions and states, from the base of the local communities of each street, neighborhood, village, etc., the social forums should be formated, choosing delegates for this project "pira" and the 8 vital aspects of the “proposal zero”, organized in each physical area to resolve the social and environmental problems with global vision, in an effort of austerity in the richest countries, and with a lot of humility to recognize the serious emotional abduction or “Stockholm syndrome” suffering by humanity consciously or inconsciously, especially on its "right" politic.
Each social forum for the various physical fields will be coordinated with the lower and upper level to form the ultimate “alliance of the rainbow or the 12 tribes” of continental area which all the humanity is destined to reorganized by recicled United Nations, or extinct as specie; This is the tentative title of these tribes: 1-"Canusa”, USA and Canada; 2-"Mexcaribe”, Mexico and Caribbean; 3-"Alatina”, South America; 4-"Maghreb", Arabic Africa; 5-"Senáfrica" black Africa; 6-"Panisrael”, Palestine, Israel, Turkey and its surroundings; 7-"Europe", Europe; 8-"Ferusa”, Russian Federation; 9-"Chinam", China and Vietnam; 10-"Pakindia”, India and Pakistan; 11–“Korjapón”, Japan and Korea; 12-"Australinda”, Australia, Indonesia and its environment.
P5, Pope: For its geographical position, its multicultural wealth and its mystic and "quixotic" vocation, Spain is yet leading the formation of the "global alliance of civilizations", and could become international arbitrator, political asylum and "homeland" of the gipsy people, but first must overcome their own collective alienation, and eliminate the custom of mistreatment of animals on the morbid "national party", which reflects other intolerable sacrifice: the dignity and human survival.
P6, lovers: The presonal self-esteem is the key to the couple's love, family, friends, and also to understand that people carries in his genetic - in the 99.99% common with the rest of the humanity- the ability to self inherited from the reptils; So, with a minimal mental effort or healthy "faith", the physical body and personal character regenerate or recycled every 7 years, thus overcoming any inherited disease, accidental or psychosomatic, caused for the great "lost love structural”, tipycal at the capitalist social system.
To develop this auto-inmune capacity of human body is required increased preventive, holistic and naturistic health, and also raise awareness about each atom of oxygen to carry to damaged cell, through breathing and relaxation as conscience as is possible. Love in a broad sense is the most repressed emotion in a society as neurotic, stressed and repressed, often without proper diagnosis and treatment. Moreover in the Bible -1 John 4.16- it says "God is love" and "amor" are the initials –at spanish languaje- of the simplest classification of human needs and rights: Housing, Maintenance, useful Occupation and physical and/or spiritual Reproduction.
As for global peace and security, we must unify and recycle all the armies and police at the regional level -as well as unions, companies and "neighborhood governments"- to become a genuine social and environmental protection.
P7, the car: It is necessary that the rich Western society in general simplify your lifestyle, and from their ability to synthesize each universal citizen should differ between causes and effects or between “grain and straw” -"is not the same to buy than to get”- to develop himself through the 8 basic vital facets, and to "kill" or sustitute the selfish "super ego" for healthy "eu" or eco-human development sustainable by environment. True richeness is much more in share than in "welfare" and "well-have," but being people without dignity.
In the immediate future should be to simplify and standardize globally the training categories -primary, secondary, bachelor, graduate and doctor-, and professionals -pawn, assistant technical, officer and master, in addition to other reforms in ethical values, educational models and media comunication to prevent crime and other forms of violence as form to resolve problems.
P8, justice: Urgently it is necesary to proceed to the historical "revi-sionism", beginning for the radical Zionist of Jewish religion that self-proclaimed "chosen people", and therefore greater justice and compassion should be required. While the social foundations are unjust from birth can not apply the law of "one eye for an eye" -the world will soon be blind, as Gandhi advised-, and should be applied more according to the most basic ethical principles and the most healthy habits than according to the complex and unfair rules of our current lives. The law should be applied differently to different circumstances and have to simplify the whole social system to regulate an unique global passport, among other global measures of true justice, as gradual amnesty for political prisoners and convicted of minor crimes.
P9, the hermit: The domain of the mother lenguaje and simplified Spanish language will be enough to understand all humanity, but beyond the verbal language must meet the gestual and body language, moreover the telepathic or intuitive. It takes a lot of emotional intelligence and mental psychotherapy to cope successfully with the actual challenges of humanity.
P10, wheel of fortune: There is an urgent application of ecological principle "think globally and act locally", because at this current environmental and social chaos on a global level there is only one priority of thought and action: the environmental and social education and management. The renewed human conscience must to search the highest coherence "pepa" –by initials in spanish- between thought, emotion, word and act, vital functions that correspond to the four primary elements: air, earth, fire and water.
P11, strength: A new cultural “neorustic” revolution mean that many social problems, health and the environment are caused by the concentration of people in polluted cities, overcrowded and saddened by his departure from natural processes.
On a planet that travels at 30 kms. per second around the sun is to apply the culture of "slow motion" to have a better quality of life in the “semi-rustic” habitat, with priority given to wood and clay as raw material in sustainable architecture, and making an urgent plan of worldwide reforestation.
P12, the hook: The dominant patriarchy in many cultures and great repression mental, emotional and sexual that has been imposed by "Western civilization" has among other effects prostitution and sexual perversion in one hand, and in another excess of violent energy "yang-kee" in a global ecosystem that can not afford a new world war for greed and arrogance of their paranoid minority leaders.
The “mapatriarcado" or moderate feminism will firm equal dignity of men and women, and strengthen respect for the various forms of love and social organization in the global human family. The number "Dunbar" indicates that 150 is the number of people you often establish a deep emotional connection, and the ideal number of people who should compose the social forums in each local community. Progressively it needs to remove all “immoral” activities for human dignity or unsustainable for the environment: prostitution, trafficking in arms and drug mafia, gambling and even some pollutants and individualistic forms of leisure.
P13, death: Let's make the ideal "Platonic" since "Aristotelian" prudence, and from the ruins of the capitalist system its required a minimum of social reorganization, for real democracy "via internet", and for the "third way" politic of “center-left” or "spiritual and social communitarianism", and despite their mistakes left ideology in general has more justice and humanity, and is more equalitary in rights, responsibilities and opportunities. To renounce all the monarchies in the world, to benefice the global " public-net-” and gradual transfer of conventional powers -executive, legislature and judiciary- to a neighborhood social forum of all geographic and functional levels.
P14, temperance: With great patience, personal adaptation and social harmony is necesary to stop this social system, murdererous of the human being and ecologically suicidal, and for reasons of dignity, justice and human compassion, the richest countries must stop all that investments not prioritary for global “ecohuman” development, practising a great and solidarity austerity, for prevention of greatest problems.
P15, the devil: Some countries that are "tax heavens" and states "cap" of political tensions historically poorly resolved to be integrated as regions in neighboring countries, in a global geopolitical reorganization that enhances the right of autonomy and self-management of regions –not of religions- of the world.
P16, the tower: The economic greed with mental pride is "the greatest obstacle to the kingdom of God-Love", and the right to private property must not be priority over the obligation of public community. Therefore there should be an urgent collectivization and recycling of the resourses of production, consumption and lifestyle. It should be also apply the principle of anarchycomunism of Kropotkin in which "each personal contribution within its capabilities and forces, and receive according to their true needs”.
P17, the star: We must put the euro as single currency of universal validity, and equalize the income and tax globally, and income providing global survival food to all mankind. For this, each individual will provide third of personal income in favor of true global cooperation, in 8 "handyman" of 4%, one for each functional level of social forums.
P18, the moon: Further reforms are needed to achieve economic desalienation: Journal of 35 real hours per week in two shifts of 3 or 4 intensive days; The creation of a Universal Contract Promotion ecosocial -or "cupe" by initials- with weekly pay; tolerant regulation of barter and vendors; a spirit of renewed cooperation, re-employment and enterprise recycling that allow to harmonize the realization of physical and intellectual work, to conciliate working life and family, etc..
P19, the sun: Following a Mayan prophecy, perhaps in 2012 yet can establish a new global “lunisolar” calendar "holocene", with 13 months of 28 days plus a day of universal meditation.
P20, the trial: legalistic State Terrorism is cause only in Spain of 3 daily deaths in accidents, and another 8 on the road. In addition, the system of capitalist imperialism -of neoliberal character or falsely socialist- by his own social, cultural and institutional corruption is creating thousands or millions of potential criminals and terrorists, not only in Islamic societies, but also in the wealthier western states.
P21, the World: The various forms of entertainment, sports, art, and "spare time" should not be new sources of ecological and cultural pollution. On other side, should be educated on the responsible consumption of drugs, whose production and consumption should be legalized and regulated to prevent the existence of gangs and too much addictions.
8 - the balance of life and global social harmony will be achieved with personal fulfillment in the 8 most vital aspects, from the "zero proposal" and the reflection, debate and implementation of the proposals contained in this manifest.
If you want send your constructive criticism to "
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" Signed at Madrid, July 25, 2008, by Charles F. Alvear Guallart
NOTE: For practicality I think it is important to note 8 basic aspects to be considered in the conduct and organization of meetings and activities of neighborhood social forums, but first seek help in disseminating this statement and to report on the measures taken in the application of my "integral plan of reflection and action".
1º- Spirit of unity, consensus and partnership, avoiding further discussion of political or violent religion.
2º- Transparency, simplicity, dynamism and achievement of objectives and methods.
3º- Tolerance and respect for cultural diversity. Interventions word clear, specific, positive and generally brief.
4º- Maximum green methods, and harmony in the assemblies of spaces and activities.
5º- Operation democratic election in the annual representatives or delegates of the various facets of life and geographic location, and making decisions by majority vote of 2 / 3 with veto power for 1 / 3 of the assembly, after reflection and discussion groups.
6º- Active and radical compromise to take and delegate functions and tasks in a stimulating, rotating and effective modes.
7º- Continuous evaluation and humility to recognize every time mental mistakes and priorities for action.
8º- Discipline and social order (with the initials formed the acronym "Dyos”).